Mould Removal

Any home or commercial property can very quickly become infested with mould if it has come in contact with water or if liquids are present. Mould can spread throughout a property in as little as 48 hours. Since mould can produce allergens and irritants, you should call us to inspect your home if you suspect you have a mould problem.

If you suspect you have a mold issue in your home, trust your instinct, you likely do. It is important to contact a professional with the appropriate training, tools certification and experience to assess your unique situation.

Mold cannot only have impact on your property and contents, it can have an impact on your health and well-being. Mold is with us in our environment every day in the form of settled spores, however, they are more of a concern when they colonize and begin to grow in our indoor environment.

Active mold growth not only causes deterioration, and if left unchecked, irreversible damage to building materials and contents, it can cause respiratory issues and other health issues including headache, sore throat, wheezing, runny eyes and runny nose.

Often halfhearted improper treatment of mold will not remove the same and mold can lie dormant only to regrow again when ideal climate conditions are presented. In many situations homeowners only suspect mold is impacting their home with no visual identification. A.L. Gullison Ltd. employees have IICRC trained staff specifically for mold remediation and carry the designation AMRT, Applied Microbial Remediation Technician.

It is always important to remember starting a mold remediation without taking proper protection and containment can result in cross contamination within your own home impacting other areas of your home previously unaffected. When in doubt contact A.L. Gullison Ltd. for assessment, we are able to deploy the most up-to-date investigation tools and remediation efforts and use the latest environmentally responsible products to remediate any mold issue. Air quality tests are even an option.